Its annoying how stupid people are lately. Its out of my control, and its quite sad that nothing can be done about their stupidity. Just putting that out there. I've been thinking about my future more lately, well more like just yesterday, and its most likely because yesterday was career day..haha. So, on the subject of career day, last night I was telling my dad about it, and about some of my interests and as you probably already know along with a few other things, I am interested in criminal justice or being a lawyer as like a career. While my mom's friend, Kim and Kim's boyfriend were over, I was telling my dad about career day and about the attorney I met and talked to, Doug (Kim's boyfriend, who might i add just for image purposes has a big nose) had the nerve to blurt out that I shouldn't be a lawyer because they are scum (and typically kim haddddd to agree). Im not sure if just a huge wavy of rudeness flew over him or if he whelled up with this feeling that he needed to tell me this in order to save my future. Might I be so disrespectful by saying that I don't even think he really has a job right now! Ugh so-yes although it wasn't a huge dream of mine, it wasn't like I was very passionate about being a lawyer I still took that very offensively. And maybe someone should let him know that a lot of people are scum in the world. And as he concluded about lawyers lying alot (therefore somehow proving his 'scum' theory), MANY other people lie....step into any high school and viola! This just is yet another example of kim, another story to add to the list to explain my feelings about her.
So, I'm sure you are awful glad right now that you took an extra minute or so, just to read my blog.
genuionly yours-mary
This is a very interesting post Mary. I think you should be able to do whatever you want to do, that's what I've learned. You can listen to the opinions of others, but it shouldn't change how you feel unless you want it to. So if you want to be a lawyer, go for it!
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