Saturday, September 18, 2010

the language of life

I don't know if I should trust where my tip toes lead
I have a fear of falling
I wonder why we bother with love,
if it never lasts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

this is the way

I can't explain the way he makes me feel; everytime I try to that feeling fills the air, the feeling that I'm rambling on to myself, I lost them a while ago. I try to pour some of the love I'm filled with onto them, and they don't want any of it. I'm just an embarassment; no one has the heart to tell the young and the innocent that things will change, that she's living in a dream that will shortly be interrupted. It doesn't matter though, I can see it in their eyes what their trying to say, and I'm not listening to any of it. I will stay this way forever, free; free and filled with joy. I smile, and they wonder what I'm smiling at, I laugh hysterically and you just can't help but to laugh with me, because that's all you want. All you want is to enjoy everything you have, and you know, that that's all I want too. Ask and you shall receive; He will fill you with an overwhelming amount of joy. I am exactly who I want to be, and he is everything I dreamed he would be. I have nothing to lose because He is there to catch me, and I am thankful for the tight grasp he has on me.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

l o v e

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
6. a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
7. sexual intercourse; copulation.
8. ( initial capital letter ) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.
9. affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
10. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.
11. the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love.
12. the benevolent affection of god for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
13. Chiefly Tennis . a score of zero; nothing.
14. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L.

–verb (used with object)
15. to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her.
16. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
17. to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music.
18. to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight.
19. to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover.
20. to have sexual intercourse with.

–verb (used without object)
21. to have love or affection for another person; be in love. —Verb phrase
22. love up, to hug and cuddle: She loves him up every chance she gets. —Idioms
23. for love,
a. out of affection or liking; for pleasure.
b. without compensation; gratuitously: He took care of the poor for love.
24. for the love of, in consideration of; for the sake of: For the love of mercy, stop that noise.
25. in love, infused with or feeling deep affection or passion: a youth always in love.
26. in love with, feeling deep affection or passion for (a person, idea, occupation, etc.); enamored of: in love with the girl next door; in love with one's work.
27. make love,
a. to embrace and kiss as lovers.
b. to engage in sexual activity.
28. no love lost, dislike; animosity: There was no love lost between the two brothers.

so many meanings;