I don't really have any 'inspriational life advice' for you these days, so i suppose i will just inform you of my bliss-less life. You'd think it would be filled with fun and excitement during this christmas season, and its not that my life is bad right now, my lifes not even boring, its just that though. Its christmas!!!..and it doesn't feel like it. It just feels normal. I think maybe this year the reason im not anticipating christmas is because i didn't really ask for anything big this year and there are more important things that i am looking forward to then getting presents. For example i am sooo looking forward to turning sixteen and getting my permit!!! I am looking forward to going on my missions trip and i am just looking forward to summer, actually and all the unthinkable adventure that comes with summer. That kinda reminds me of another reason as to why i wouldn't want to live in Florida, like i loveee the warmth but living in the warm, non-snowy climate all the time would just give me nothing to look forward to, seeing as i am looking forward to summer so much. It would be like blahhh all year round. haha. a girl needs a little change =P
Lately im starting to realize how much i dont want to grow up. I want to turn seventeen and then stay seventeen my wholeee life.
(A question to mess with your mind): Do second chances happen twice?
well i think i smell pizza soo until next time; toodless
<3 mary
you can't wait for summer...but doesn't that conflict with your last blog about how you shouldn't be waiting around for something good to happen...hmmm haha, and second chances can happen again if someones not willing to give up.
but of course they wouldn't be called that...here's a question for you...what's better the sunrise or sunset?
I guess in this blog i meant "i cant wait for summer" to mean more im excited for it...and like anticipating it as where in my last blog i literally meant just like waiting for something good to happen, like i dont even know what summer will be like but i know it will be good so im excited...anyways i guess by that question i meant like exactly what you answered like second chances can happen again but then are they necessarily second chances? so idk and to your question i think the answer for me would be the sunrise because i rarely get up to see the sun rise haha so when i do i just think its amazing and although the sunset is beautiful too i see it every night in the summer so its not as outstanding as seeing the sunrise...but thats just me =)
haha ok=)
and i looked up what insipid meant...cause i didnt know haha, and it was:unintelligent, quick and harsh, not thought out.
so just curious what you were thinking of when you picked the title or did you just like the way it sounded..cause i do.
i did really like the way it sounded, but i went looking for a word that meant blissless and that came up as a synonymy and thats how i found it because i thought it went well with this post but yeah i do really like the way it sounds
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