Saturday, February 7, 2009

Everything coming down to Nothing

And then slowly the words poured out of her, like lava exploding, uncontrolably out of a volcanoe, the words that she found herself wanting to use more and more lately, but never dared unlleash their power. While she could feel her eyes swelling up with tears, and her face getting hotter and hotter as it always had when she found herself caught off-guard, she she, "I HATE YOU." A defensive look struck his face, and she understood why, it wasn't like it was obvious to anyone but herself why she was mad, and she wouldnt expect him to know why she was anyways. His voice rambled on in the background of why exactly he did it and all she could think about was the tears. The tears that she tried so hard to keep hidden from him were about to be revealed. She hated him, as well as her for agreeing and sticking by him, although, thats what marriage is all about right? She pivotted and walked resentfully to her bedroom. As always, once there, nothing was stopping the tears and they streamed down her face. Sitting there, surrounded by her things she kept comtemplating how it came to this. He used to be her hero, and she used to be his angel. But that was then and now she found herself almost always hating him; For to her, he was overprotectively getting invovled, but to him, he was protecting her from the thing he has feared all these years.

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