Lately I've been noticing how important eyes are;their color, size, shape and most importantly meaning. Like, when someone makes a face to me eyes say it all, they are the most important. The shape, color or size of ones eyes basically determines someones whole "look". If you take someones face and change their eyes it changes everything, maybe the color, maybe the size, maybe how proportionate they now are compared to the rest of their face, their different faces and expressions and just what certain things mean, like if they are being serious of kidding, is determined by their eyes. So what do hungry eyes look like? well the first thing you should ask is, what one is hungry for. food? love? friendship? God? I think we are all hungry for something, no matter what it is, we strive for it even if we don't want to admitt it. And me, I am hungry for not one but so many things. So can you tell when I want a certain thing, by my eyes? (rhetorical question)Because similar to my facial expression, my eyes just shout exactly what I'm feeling. I think that our eyes show other people so much, of what we want, or have, or have been through, or lack. Our eyes unleash us to the world, and let us see it for what it really is, whether we see bad, good, sad, happy, frightening, or joyful things, its because of our eyes. I think its funny how thankful we are to be able to see things yet our eyes expose us to so much evil.
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