Monday, August 11, 2008

field hockey.

alright well today was the first day of field hockey...or at least i thought it was. It turns out, it wasn't that first day of field hockey. So i woke up this morning(at like 7 btw) and got ready and my dad drove me over to the high school on his way to work, only to find out that there was no one my dad was like I can either leave you here and call mom to pick you up when you get to work or I can drop you off at Charlton I'm thinking uhmm you are definately not leaveing me here (it was like 8 in the morning and freezing out). So he dropped me off at the Elementary school and I walked home because he was late for work. It actually wasn't that bad, considering I got to go home and sleep another 4 hours. But then I was woken up by Mrs. Richardson, calling to ask me if I can babysit tonight...haha a tad bit akward. So anyways, I thought you would like to get a laugh at how my morning has been so to you laterr<3

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