Tuesday, February 3, 2009


alright so im kinda annoyed at people haha. Not you. I mean like my parents and grandparents---I get the fact that im only fifteen but they need to understand that I'm fifteen! In their eyes im young and naive and I know they are just trying to prevent mistakes from happening and see me succeeed because "they know I have so much potential"; but to me, I'm fifteen, almost sixteen, in high school, with a job, great friends, a boyfriend and so much more. But I have such a desire for freedom. Now I'm not trying to be all complainy, because I do recognize that I already have alot of freedom and my parents don't have that many rules that keep me from doing stuff but ughh what do they expect? Its like can't I just do my own thing, their "advice" is appreciated-every now and then-not every second. I feel like every time they see that something could go wrong, they jump on the chance to fix it, but the problem is there's nothing to fix, because nothing has happened, to make it shorter for you, its just annoying. Alright so my random, off topic, question for you today isn't really a question its more like " what's your opinion type of thing;" so whats your opinion about giving birth, well not exactly giving birth its self more like, being able to concieve a child--and i do not mean that in the preverted way, like do you consider it a blessing, like you are glad that someday you will be able to or are you like "ahhh! what are you talking about im never having kids". Just answer to the best you can understand my snafued up explaination.


1 comment:

Kayla said...

i dont really see where you are going with this question, but i'll answer anyway :)
you probably know what i think and to sum it all up; i didnt like kids even when i was a kid. there are a select few that dont annoy me
aha..wow i sound so mean
oh well for now i guess